Selected examples of my abilities are below. Please note that these are on sleeping servers and may spin-up slowly.

Demo 1: MERN Full-stack App

A social sharing platform built on the MERN stack with Redux and Material UI. Deployed on Netlify, Heroku, and MongoDB.

Demo 2: Modern UI

Small demo using a modern front-end stack: React, Tailwind, Shadcn/ui, TypeScript, Vite.


JavaScript & TypeScript

I value clean, communicable code and I am experienced with JavaScript in the browser and the backend.

React JS

I build in React and Vue for scalable and maintainable dynamic content.


I am experienced with modern HTML, CSS, and styling solutions including Tailwind and Material UI.

Responsive Websites

I implement responsive websites to create a great experience on all device sizes.

Data Structures

I help businesses with critical database management services including SQL, NoSQL, version control and backup systems.

Humility & Teamwork

I enjoy teaching as well as learning. I seek common understanding, focusing on the best ways our strengths can come together with purpose.